The Ridiculously Humongous Pumpkin Blog

This is a blog about growing a ridiculously humongous pumpkin.


It's time for a confession, guys.

You've probably already realized this, but I'm not very good at keeping regular blog entries coming.

But, I do have exciting news to report. The vines are growing well, and they're putting out flowers like crazy. The blossoms are big and bright orange-yellow. They smell like butternut squash that's been baked for 3 hours in a huge quantity of butter and brown sugar - they're almost disgustingly sweet. We've been fertilizing with Miracle Gro Quick Start and Sarah H has been taking a real leadership role with the twice daily waterings.

Next week, we're going to start with attempting to actually fertilize some of the flowers (we've been plucking them up until now to keep the vines growing strongly) and then we'll move on to a more balanced fertilizer for fruit growth and continued vine growth.

I'll post some new pictures tomorrow. Really, tomorrow - I promise. Soon, we'll be moving into a phase where I collect more concrete data. Once the fruits start to grow, I'll need to track the growth of each one in order to choose the Highlander of the patch because remember, there can be only one.

Okay - pictures tomorrow, I promise. I love you all.



Anonymous Anonymous said... picutres yesterday. I hate you.

smooches xoxo



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